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3513 Chilafoux rd, Brownington, Vermont

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Added On:08/03/2018
Last Updated:03/11/2025
This custom Adirondack style log home, on nearly 50 private acres of fields and forests is rural yet near I91. 100% solar powered, this energy efficient homestead has grand views + multipurpose buildings, prime ag soils, and forest management plan.
Natural HomeSolar - Photovoltaic
$4,400Annual Property Tax
3,200Square Feet
2 / Beds / Baths
50.0 acresLot Size
2004Year Built
Green HomeProperty Type

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What makes your home a Green or Healthy Home?

Grid-tied solar system with three non tracking PV arrays totaling 10 MW. Can be transformed to battery/Tesla storage system. All energy consumption is met with solar production in all 6 buildings. Using the abundant electricity, a heat pump would easily heat and cool this home. There is an outside wall in the living area ready for tie-in. Grants and low interest loans are becoming available for these devices and this home is very heat pump-ready. Energy star appliances, induction cook stove, gas dryer plus indoor/outdoor drying. Siting: House and 4 out of the 6 buildings are facing south. Surrounding prime ag fields are bordered by mature balsam/cedar (some cedar used in the house) forest with active management plan. Portions of the fields planted with native species feed and shelter song birds and birds of prey. Water feeds one dug well and a pond featuring native plants, hardy water lilies and amphibians. 207 ft dug artesian well. Heating systems: Main house-Austrian pellet boiled in separate building with 4 ton pellet storage container provides radiant heated floors in concrete basement floor and tile first floor. Pellet stove in living/dining/kitchen first floor. Buderus oil furnace backup. Passive solar orientation for first and second story glazing. Window AC when needed. Backup generator for all systems. 8 “ cedar log spline construction and double glazing Anderson windows. Hot water produced by heat pump with 60 gal storage tank. Foam insulation (basement), traditional roof insulating materials, metal roof. Second building with occupancy ( Airbnb/appartment) includes direct vent gas heater (second story) and pellet stove (first floor). Insulated room for solar electric inverter heated with direct- vent gas heater. All pipes for second story are inclosed within this room. 18x24 greenhouse includes direct vent gas heater and irrigation system. Additional small building with Ben Franklin wood stove, formerly used as small maple sugaring operation with Leader evaporator. Large storage barn (….30x ….40.) includes oil burner, concrete floor. Water sytems: Low volume toilets, gray and black water separate 1000 gal tanks.

Property Description

Ready for you, this thoughtfully created, locally sourced, custom Adirondack style home, on nearly 50 acres, is rural yet close to important centers of activity. With income-generating potential, the climate, land, trees, buildings and available equipment are ready to work for you. Or simply live with gorgeous long distance views from the porch/balcony of this private green home (100% solar) and watch wildlife over the fields and perennial gardens. And grow food in garden/greenhouse and store food/wine in the basement root cellar.Decorated with hand crafted wood stairs and railings, this home includes master bedroom/loft, a first floor bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, a cathedral ceiling over the open floor plan, basement bedroom potential, and storage on all levels. The custom designed granite-topped kitchen and bathroom counters reflect local styles and resources. The new Austrian pellet boiler warms the floors while a heat pump provides 60 gals of hot water. Or bake in a custom designed and built wood-fired oven. Experience this unique character and many opportunities of the Northeast Kingdom. Outstanding value. Contact Nick Maclure for showing information, 802 673 8876, at Cent 21, Derby, VT.

Neighborhood Description

Neighbors include locally employed people, dairy farmers, vacationers, retirees and homesteaders. A mixture of local and out-of-state people share interests in the resources of the land and waters.

Market Area

Vermont specialties include locally grown meats and vegetables, locally brewed craft beers,wines and ice cider, locally made cheeses, maple syrup and crafts. Day trips for shopping include Burlington, the Upper Valley area, and Littleton, NH for food, sports and all other departments. Services include the North Country Hospital with several local clinics. Senior citizen centers are common. Orleans and Derby provide convenient shopping (Walmart for example) Visit

School District

The Brownington school is part of the Orleans County Central Supervisory Union (OSCU) serving K-8, and Lake Region Union High School serves (9-12) out of the town's budget. Home schooling in Brownington is not uncommon.


Libraries and churches support a diverse group who enjoy crafts, farmers markets and snowmobiling.Nearby Greensboro offers interesting performances in the arts through the Highland Arts Center, Bread and Puppet theater, and Circus Smirkus. The 60 acre historic site including the Old Stone House provides educational programs and seasonal meals at the gorgeous site on Prospect Hill. Rural and independent, members of the Northeast Kingdom withstand what the seasons bring to them with a smile.

Location of Home or Land


Elevation of Home


Air Quality

Agriculture in Areayes
Industry in Areano
Air Pollution in Areano
Pesticide Freeyes
Fragrance Freeyes
Cleaned with Green Productsyes

Interior Environment

Heating System
Hydronic Floor Heat (radiant)
Cooling System
Ventilation System
Whole House Filtration
Whole House Vacuumno

Energy & Water

Energy System
Solar - Photovoltaic
Water System
Wastewater System
Septic System

Construction Information

Exterior Finish
Interior Finish
Wood - Solid
Interior Paint
Floor Material
Roof Material
Window Material
Wood Dual Glazed
Insulation Material

Garage / Car Port

Garage / Carportyes
Garage Typeattached
Number of Cars1
Garage Area2096 sqft

Listing ID : 20381