This property has been sold

900 Mariposa Mine Road, Terlingua, Texas

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Added On:06/28/2012
Last Updated:03/12/2025
Mostly rock home with an addition of wood/stucco. Solar powered with water catchment system on 57 acres. Also on the property is an historic 3 room rock building, good walls, needs a roof. An additional 30 acres can be added. Fantastic views!
Green HomeSolar - Photovoltaic
$186Annual Property Tax
1,440Square Feet
1 / 1Beds / Baths
1000000.00 sqftLot Size
2002Year Built

Mortgage Calculator

Purchase Price ($)Down Payment
Loan Amount
Annual Interest Rate
Loan Term (years)
Estimated Monthly Mortgage Payment

What makes your home a Green or Healthy Home?

House is set up on an all solar system, does have propane heat and a wood burning fireplace. Water collection system with storage.

Property Description

Custom rock home on 57 acres. Mostly rock construction, with one addition of wood frame and stucco. Large custom kiva style fireplace. House was lived in by owners, and a work in progress, so while livable there is some more work on the house to be completed. Also located on the property is a very old 3 room rock structure, walls are in good shape, the back part of the wall is the hillside. Needs a roof. Many possibilities for the old rock structure. Also on the property is a large dirt tank that captures a lot of water during heavy rain fall. The tank needs to be sealed to hold water longer in between rains. An additional 30 acres owned by the seller that butts up to the 57 acres can also be purchased. Outstanding views, terrain is hilly. Easy access, approx. 1 mile of paved State road 170. Not far from the Lajitas Golf Resort. Motivated seller, open to offer!

Neighborhood Description

Property is located approx. 1 mile North of State road 170 on maintained Mariposa Mine Road in South Brewster County Texas. This is part of the high Chihuahuan Desert.

Market Area

Closet towns are Study Butte/Terlingua, Lajitas Golf Resort is nearby. Closest town of any size is Alpine Texas, approx. 1.5 hours away.

School District

Terlingua ISD

Location of Home or Land


Elevation of Home


Air Quality

Agriculture in Areayes
Industry in Areano
Air Pollution in Areano
Pesticide Freeyes
Fragrance Freeyes
Cleaned with Green Productsno

Interior Environment

Heating System
Cooling System
Passive Cooling
Ventilation System
Whole House Filtration
Whole House Vacuumno

Energy & Water

Energy System
Solar - Photovoltaic
Water System
Rain Water Collection
Wastewater System
Septic System

Construction Information

Exterior Finish
Interior Finish
Interior Paint
Floor Material
Roof Material
Window Material
Insulation Material

Garage / Car Port

Garage / Carportno
Garage Typeattached
Number of Cars1

Property Website


Listing ID : 19395