398 Red Rock Road, Silver City, New Mexico

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Added On:08/08/2013
Last Updated:03/04/2025
Excellent well + water right, 4 gentle seasons, room to roam. Quality Construction. Passive Solar Adobe on 17+ acres,1/2mi to 300 sq mi of Gila NF. Warmed by the Sun and cooled by the wind naturally. Low utility bills. View property website below.
Green HomeAdobe
$449,000Asking Price (USD)
$805Annual Property Tax
3,151Square Feet
3 / 2Beds / Baths
17.2 acresLot Size
2007Year Built
Green HomeProperty Type

Mortgage Calculator

Purchase Price ($)Down Payment
Loan Amount
Annual Interest Rate
Loan Term (years)
Estimated Monthly Mortgage Payment

What makes your home a Green or Healthy Home?

Externally insulated stabilized Adobe construction provides a quiet, thermally comfortable environment. The ceilings are custom built of natural wood and supported by vigas (log beams). Floors are brick, ceramic tile, and poured stamped concrete with Berber carpet upstairs.

Property Description

Well Insulated Passive Solar Adobe with custom ceilings, brick and tile floors. Designed to work with nature to provide a comfortable living environment. Heated by south facing windows, a Count Rumford fire place, and propane back up furnaces. Exterior walls are 10" or 14" thick adobe insulated and stuccoed for unsurpassed comfort and quiet. Upstairs interior/exterior insulated frame and stucco. Two on demand propane water heaters provide a continuous supply of hot water in an energy efficient manner.

Neighborhood Description

Rural New Mexico National Forrest. The property is located in a 1.5 sq mile subdivision surrounded by 300 sq miles of Gila National Forrest.

Market Area

Silver City is the largest city in Grant County, New Mexico. It has an excellent regional hospital and Western New Mexico University. More than 29,000 people live in Grant county and 88% of them have lived in the county for less than 10 years.

School District

The Silver City School System provides a bus to transport students from the neighborhood to the schools.


Rural with a volunteer fire department 0.5 mi from property.

Location of Home or Land


Elevation of Home


Air Quality

Agriculture in Areano
Industry in Areano
Air Pollution in Areano
Pesticide Freeyes
Fragrance Freeyes
Cleaned with Green Productsyes

Interior Environment

Heating System
Solar - Passive
Cooling System
Passive Cooling
Ventilation System
Whole House Filtration
Whole House Vacuumno

Energy & Water

Water System
Wastewater System
Septic System

Construction Information

Construction Type
Exterior Finish
Interior Finish
Cement Plaster
Interior Paint
Floor Material
Roof Material
Window Material
Metal Dual Glazed
Insulation Material

Garage / Car Port

Garage / Carportno
Garage Typeattached
Number of Cars1

Contact Seller

Listing ID : 19560