1468 Curtis Pike, Richmond, KY 40475, USA, Richmond, Kentucky

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Added On:10/30/2022
Last Updated:03/14/2025

This is a master craftsman built, modified post and beam design, solar tempered home nestled among the rolling hills of the bluegrass.

Natural Home
$160,000Asking Price (USD)
$1,600Annual Property Tax
1,300Square Feet
4 / 2Beds / Baths
1.9 acresLot Size
2005Year Built
Green HomeProperty Type

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Loan Term (years)
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What makes your home a Green or Healthy Home?

The home is solar tempered designed with south facing windows for winter heat with a wood stove back up. Home designed for thermal siphoning for cooling cross-ventilation. There is also an energy efficient, ductless mini-split for backup air condition. Thermo-collector water heating with electric back-up water heater. Rainwater collection into a cistern with multi-stage natural filtration and final treatment with a u.v. light. Nutrient recycling with composting toilets, and a "Nutricycle" grey water garden. The grey water garden has mature, no-till, organically managed garden beds. Property is in the process of re-wilding with native meadows and woodlands. House overlooks a seasonal pond which hosts an abundance of aquatic life and migratory water fowl. The seller's and the potential buyer's land is protected through a conservation easement that prioritizes soil health, healthy waterways, and native ecosystems. 

Property Description

 Immerse yourself in the rhythms of nature in this unique, eco-designed home. This sun-drenched home with south facing windows and skylights is a natural mood lifter. The solar tempered design will heat the home without any auxiliary heat but there is a wood stove for when clouds move in. Nutrients are recycled through a rainwater collection system, grey water garden, and composting toilets. Water is heated by a thermal collector and, in the summer heat, the air is cooled with an energy efficient, ductless a.c. The home is located on 1.9 acres of land with access to a chicken coop and mature garden beds. The nearly two acres on which this house sits as well as the adjacent six acres have been been tenderly cared for the past 15 years. 1000 trees were planted to offset the lumbar used for home construction and 4 meadows were seeded with Kentucky native plants to expand native habitat.

If you are concerned about global climate change and are looking for a way to decrease your carbon footprint, this homestead will lead you there.

Neighborhood Description

Unincorporated, rural county. Shared driveway with 4 other homes. Nearest neighbor is the seller in a similarly built home which sits on the other side of a small pond. There is plenty of land for small scale food production and it includes a small chicken coop. Possibility of lease agreements with seller for access to back up water storage, expansion of crop production, shared use of large barn, and access to small pasture and animal shed. There is a 1/2 mile foot path through the shared woods and meadows. One mile from the home is a lake for fishing and paddling.

Market Area

Located just minutes from a mid-size university town, Richmond, KY, with quick access to stores, restaurants, recreation, arts, and entertainment.  It's 30 minutes south of a mid-sized city, Lexington, KY, home of the University of Kentucky and known as the 'Horse Capital" which have all the amenities and comforts of a city.

School District

It is in the Madison County public school system. There are a few private religious grade schools and a semi-private pre-k to high school associated with Eastern Kentucky University. There is also an extensive network of homeschoolers.


The community is a combination of the simplicity of small town life and the vibrancy a university brings. There is a variety of cuisines, locally owned businesses, a brew pub, and public parks. It sits on the edge of the Appalachians with hundreds of miles of hiking trails through pristine wilderness. 

Location of Home or Land


Elevation of Home


Air Quality

Agriculture in Areayes
Industry in Areano
Air Pollution in Areano
Pesticide Freeyes
Fragrance Freeyes
Cleaned with Green Productsyes

Interior Environment

Heating System
Solar - Passive
Cooling System
High Efficiency Heat Pump
Ventilation System
Whole House Filtration
Whole House Vacuumno

Energy & Water

Water System
Rain Water Collection
Wastewater System
Composting Toilet

Construction Information

Exterior Finish
Interior Finish
Gypsum Board - Sheet Rock
Interior Paint
Window Material
Metal Dual Glazed
Insulation Material

Garage / Car Port

Garage / Carportno
Garage Typeattached
Number of Cars1

Contact Seller

Listing ID : 20659