This property has been sold

21428, Jerusalem Grade, Lower Lake, California

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Added On:06/14/2006
Last Updated:03/12/2025
Work of art Strawbale house featured on cover "Natural Home" and "Mother Earth News summer 2006." House full of curves, Art Nouveau ornamentation, homemade paint on walls,earthen plaster walls. Total Solar powered. 13 acres rolling hills and Oaks north of Napa, CA.Designer Charmer, ambience abounds
Green HomeHealthy HomeNatural HomeAccessible HomePhotovoltaic (PV)
$1,800Annual Property Tax
1,850Square Feet
2 / Beds / Baths
13.0 acresLot Size
2001Year Built

Mortgage Calculator

Purchase Price ($)Down Payment
Loan Amount
Annual Interest Rate
Loan Term (years)
Estimated Monthly Mortgage Payment

What makes your home a Green or Healthy Home?

First, This area has the cleanest air in California (EPA). The valley has no agriculture and no spraying.The strawbale home is covered in earthen plaster mined from the soil on the property. The paint was made on the stove from wheat paste, kaolin clay and mica. Pigments used in paint come from ground rock from Verona, Italy ("Sinopia" pigments). No glues used anywhere. There is no off-gas, in fact you could EAT the house it is so green! Slate and bamboo floors. No ducting. We use the cool, clean air of outdoors to cool on summer nites.Feel house hugged.

Property Description

One-of-a-kind, work of art straw bale house featured on cover of book "More Strawbale Building," "Natural Home Magazine" and Mother Earth News" Aug/Sept 2006. And 3 books.Country French and Art Nouvaeu handmade home artists appreciate. House is open plan with cathedral ceilings and cooling tower in center. Recyled wood throughout. Earthen plaster walls with ornamentation hand designed and made on walls. Nichos for displaying art works. Handmade paint made on the stove using wheat paste, kaolin clay and mica and applied by hand.Open design LR/DR/K with 500 sq. ft loft around edge. 20\'x15\'Master BR. Curves everywhere: in cob bench, countertops, doorways, all ceilings. Cob bench defines dining area. Cob used in woodstove surround. French doors out bedroom and studio. Open airy tropical feel like living in Hawaii. 20 ft.tall curved ceiling covered in reed in BR. Countertop material is Jerusalem limestone in K&BA. Vermont Slate floors, bamboo floors, recycled Doug Fir floors. Low E windows. Full bath with deep tub. Outdoor shower. Passive solar in winter keeps house at 72 degrees when sun shines. Strawbales keep house 25 degrees cooler than outside temp in summer. Cupola Cooling tower in center of house pulls out hot air. Solar swamp cooler. Off grid Solar 1850 amp hours. Propane generator back-up.

Neighborhood Description

In rural Lake County north of Napa.9 miles from town. All surrounding neighbors own 40-300 acres. Quiet and peaceful. Horses. Rolling hills with grasses and Oak trees. This property is 13 acres with views of Lake Berryessa,mountain ranges. Elevation 1300 feet. Land has an organic orchard with fruit and nut trees, an established & abundant organic vegetable garden. Roses and flower garden in courtyard off master bedroom. All on drip timers. Deer fenced. Horse fenced. 100gpm well,tested pure. Labyrinth and campfire circle a walk from the house.

Market Area

Closest town is Middletown, 10 miles away. Napa county is 40 minute drive south. Clearlake, largest lake in California, is 20 minutes away north.Harbin Hot Springs Resort is 20 minutes away. Low population of county means less traffic, fewer lines, clean air.

School District

lower lake

Location of Home or Land


Elevation of Home


Air Quality

Agriculture in Areano
Industry in Areano
Air Pollution in Areano
Pesticide Freeyes
Fragrance Freeyes
Cleaned with Green Productsyes

Interior Environment

Heating System
Hydronic Floor Heat (radiant)
Cooling System
Passive Cooling
Ventilation System
Part of Cooling System
Whole House Filtration
Whole House Vacuumno

Energy & Water

Energy System
Photovoltaic (PV)
Water System
Wastewater System
Septic System

Construction Information

Exterior Finish
Plaster - Earth
Interior Finish
Earthen Plaster
Interior Paint
Milk Paint
Floor Material
Roof Material
Asphalt Composition Shingle
Window Material
Wood Dual Glazed
Insulation Material
Recycled Newsprint

Garage / Car Port

Garage / Carportyes
Garage Typecarport_detached
Number of Cars2
Garage Area250 sqft

Listing ID : 17886