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Box 228, Jasper, Arkansas

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Added On:10/24/2009
Last Updated:09/20/2024
Extreme green underground passive solar concrete home. A great vacation home, house and yard requires no care when away. No mowing. The house is a shelter from anything that mother nature can dish out. Home comes with appliances. Altitude 2100
Green Home
$435Annual Property Tax
2,100Square Feet
2 / Beds / Baths
23.0 acresLot Size
2006Year Built

Mortgage Calculator

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Loan Term (years)
Estimated Monthly Mortgage Payment

What makes your home a Green or Healthy Home?

This home is safe from the weather, you don't have worries about the high winds heavy snows, hale can just pile up.Storms are becoming more violent every year and this is the main reason it can be so green. It need never be rebuilt, as most other houses; the wind or flood just takes them apart. We built our first fire on Dec. 27 this year, just because the temperature was 64 inside after several cloudy days. It's now Jan. 8th and we have not needed another. The house usually stays around 70 to 75 when we have sun. Our home was made to work with the earth and her seasonal movements. All windows face south, bringing in light and heat according to the season. The floors are all covered in tile, wood or marble mosaics no carpet that can't be taken out to clean. Our central vacuum vents to the outside so the dust is gone for good. The fire place even breaths form the outside for more even heating when needed. The house is safe from storms, being 3 to 8 feet under ground, the roof is covered with grass, 3000 dafodiles, crepe myrtles, and sometimes deer. Almost no outside work is required, no grass to mow but there are plenty of flowers, most are care free. We went with hot water on demand, so there is no hot water in the house when you are not there to use it. The rooms are bright and beautiful, snug and warm. The walls are never damp or moist because they are insulated on the outside and stay at room temperature. Complicated heating and cooling systems are not always green, if a computer fails you may freeze in the dark. The best green homes take care of themselves. If a home gets hot or cold when it looses electricity then its not really that safe, water pipes break when they freeze. Homes are more and more complicated, but they shouldn't be. Without electricity one can live very comfortably, and no worry of pipes freezing.

Property Description

If interested in this home, may I suggest calling for questions. Our number is 785 393 2643, many emails never get through because of spam and filtering. Our home is nearly invisible except from the front, for even the chimney is covered with Shotcrete to look like stone coming up from the ground. Being an artist I sculpted a eight foot sculpture on the roof. Vents and skylights are like boulders sticking out of the grass. The front of the house is mostly glass for light and heat. The overhangs are shaped to face the movement of the sun so it will stay cool inside during summer. The front was sprayed with foam then sculpted with Shotcrete to look like limestone overhangs with plants growing here and there. The entire length of the house is either stone or flower beds, with two wooden decks and a stone deck. Raised beds are placed is several places for garden or flowers. A large nearly carefree water garden is near the front door, for sound and beauty. Just inside the front door is a mosaic of marble two feet by three feet. Inside is bright and spacious, 13 1/2 foot ceilings and an open floor plan. Floors are artisticly designed tile. A mosaic in the TV room looks like a wool rug but is marble with 18,000 pieces. Marble counters, and wall in the kitchen, large granite island. All electric home, but 2008 our bill for 12 months was $587, $667 for 2010, and $667 for 2011. Our home is built to last a 1000 years, the walls of the three 28' rooms are 10 inches of concrete, the domed ceiling are 16 inches tapering to 10 inches at the top. The roof is painted with vinyl then covered with Bitchathane then covered with foam and covered with dirt. Ten large pieces of sculpture will go with the home, worth thousands of dollars. To view my art, just search " forrest waltman" on the web. Leave us a to know what you think.

Neighborhood Description

Our home is 3/4 mile from the largest scenic overlook in Arkansas on highway 7; overlooking 1,300,000 acres. Our 45 acres is entirely covered in trees, cliffs, waterfalls and fresh air. You can see in one of the photos, our dog looking out over the valley from our deck. There is a house or two across the valley, often hidden by clouds. After a rain we can often hear the waterfalls on the cliffs below the house. Large birds of prey, and buzzards are often flying above and below the house, as they sore and dip through the valley. We have a cattle farmer on our East border of our property, and a doctor on the South, and another doctor on the West, no one to the North. All good neighbors.

Market Area

Jasper a small town, of 500 is 4 miles down the mountain. Harrison is 18 miles farther north, and Branson Mo. is only 60 miles away with all the entertainment a person would ever need. Jasper is the elk capital of Arkansas, we have deer, bear, turkey and the most beautiful water falls east of the rockies, one is over 300 feet. Rock climbing is the best there is anywhere between the Mississippi and the Rockies. The Buffalo river has AAA water, kayaking is great, 500 foot cliffs above the river edge. Every thing the outdoors has to offer is within fifteen miles of Jasper. A very beautiful location.

School District

Jasper school district

Location of Home or Land


Elevation of Home


Air Quality

Agriculture in Areayes
Industry in Areano
Air Pollution in Areano
Pesticide Freeyes
Fragrance Freeyes
Cleaned with Green Productsyes

Interior Environment

Heating System
Cooling System
Conventional Heat Pump
Ventilation System
Whole House Fan
Whole House Filtration
Whole House Vacuumyes

Energy & Water

Water System
Wastewater System
Septic System

Construction Information

Exterior Finish
Interior Finish
Cement Plaster
Interior Paint
Floor Material
Roof Material
Window Material
Vinyl or Vinyl Clad
Insulation Material
Urethane Foam

Garage / Car Port

Garage / Carportyes
Garage Typeattached
Number of Cars2
Garage Area266 sqft

Listing ID : 18955